
Genital Integrity Statement

Read the Genital Integrity Statement by Doctors Opposing Circumcision. The document contains detailed information about the consequences of circumcision from a medical perspective.

Research results about sexual problems caused by circumcision

Danish researcher Morten Frisch (et al.) published an article about sexual problems caused by circumcision in the International Journal of Epidemiology in 2011. To read more click here.

Human rights

Finland has committed to protecting children’s rights and bodily integrity by several international conventions. Most important of them is the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Another important convention is the recently ratified Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine.

Also the Declaration of Sexual Rights (pdf) by World Association for Sexual Health demands protection for bodily integrity. Genital mutilation of any kind is strictly prohibited by it.


Doctors and researchers interviewed:

John W. Travis: Why Circumcision is Unncessary

John W. Travis: Infant Wellness / Genital Integrity 

James L. Snyder: Doctor Discusses Circumcision Controversy

John D. Geisheker: Circumcision Accidents

Mark D. Reiss: Circumcision Complications

Morten Frisch: Circumcision and Sexual Function Difficulties 

Anne Lindboe: Childrens Ombudsman of Norway

Ken McGrath: Anatomy of the Penis – Penile and Foreskin Neurology

John Warren: Intactivist Doctor 

Tina Kimmel:  Circumcision and Childrens Rights 

David Chamberlain: Circumcision Trauma


Footage, that shows a neonatal circumcision. Warning – content can be very disturbing.

Video 1.

Video 2. 


Circumcised men share their thoughts: 

Richard Duncker: Men Do Complain

Charles Fenner: Infant Circumcision – A Profound Wrong

Anthony Losquadro: Man Confronts Circumciser

Ben Selfridge: Young Scientist Researches Circumcision

Adam Zeldis: Adam on Circumcision


Anatomy of the penis and the foreskin:

Functions of Foreskin, osa 1/2

Functions of Foreskin, osa 2/2

Marilyn Milos: The Penis – Sex Education 101